The management of migration data contributes to evidence-based decision making through research, knowledge generation and the production of timely, high quality analytical reports, infographics and maps. It informs the Western Hemisphere Program on migratory trends, migrant’s characteristics and vulnerabilities, and contributes to the development of data-driven solutions for an improved, humane and human rights-based migration governance.
The documents in this section contain updated migration data in the region.

Dominican Republic-Flow Monitoring Registration About Cross Border Inhabitants #6, 3-16 July 2021
This study provides an analysis of trends in the mobility of people between July 3 and 16, 2021, at four specific border posts: Dajabón, Comendador de Elías Piña, Jimaní and Pedernales. Four data collectors participated, one for each point, to carry out the monitoring and counting of people.

El Salvador-Baseline Assesment Of Migration Flows And Mobility Tracking Within The Context Of COVID-19, Report #6 (May,2021)
The data collected are either the result of systematic records of eld observations or migration control actions or reect the perception of the interviewed key informants. The estimates could be biased due to the diculty to estimate irregular migration ows that have not been recorded by the relevant authorities.

Dominican Republic-Flow Monitoring Registration About Cross Border Inhabitants #5, 19 June-02 July 2021
Data for this report were collected under the flow monitoring subcomponent of the Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) methodology, with the objective of generating a preliminary impression of the characteristics of migrants, migration dynamics and the mobility of migrants at four border posts.

Guatemala-Baseline Assessment Of Migration Flows And Migrants Presence Within The Context Of COVID-19 Report- #4 (April, 2021)
Estimates from the following institutions were collected: Human Rights Ombudsman’s Oce; Committee to Support Migrants, Refugees and Victims of Tracking; Departmental Government of Izabal; United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR); “Refugio de la Niñez” Programme; Local Authority of La Libertad; Local Authority of Tecún Umán; National Council for Assistance to Migrants; El Naranjo Health Centre; Department of Labour Mobility of the Ministry of Labour; and Secretariat of Social Welfare.

El Salvador-Baseline Assesment Of Migration Flows And Mobility Tracking Within The Context Of COVID-19, #5 (April, 2021)
The interviews were conducted in May 2021. The data collected are either the result of systematic records of eld observations or migration control actions or reect the perception of the interviewed key informants. In both cases, the estimates could be biased due to the diculty to estimate irregular migration ows that have not been recorded by the relevant authorities.

Honduras-Baseline Assessment Of Migration Flows And Mobiity Tracking Within The Context Of COVID-19 Report #5 (April, 2021)
Data were collected through interviews conducted remotely with strategically selected key informants. Information from the following sources was prioritized: records of the National Institute of Migration (INM); National Oce of Border Police Services (DNSPF); “Casa del Migrante”; Centre for Assistance to Returned Migrants (CAMR); United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR); Red Cross; Centre for Assistance to Migrant Children and Families; Oce for Children, Adolescents and Families (DINAF); and ADED-Valle Foundation, according to the border control points and the information available for each month.

Flow monitoring registry. Dajabón, Elías Piña, Jimaní. Round 2, May 2021.
This study provides an analysis of the trends in the mobility of people, between May 8 and 21, 2021, in four specific border posts: Dajabón, Comendador de Elías Piña, Jimaní and Pedernales. Four data collectors participated, one for each point to carry out the monitoring and counting of people.

Honduras-Baseline Assessment Of Migration Flows And Mobiity Tracking Within The Context Of COVID-19 Report #4 (March, 2021)
Data were collected through interviews conducted remotely with strategically selected key informants. Priority was given to information recorded by the National Directorate of Border Police Services (DNSPF), the Migrant House, the Returned Migrant Service Center (CAMR), and the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNHCHR), according to the information available each month for the dierent border crossing locations. The interviews were held in April 2021.

El Salvador-Baseline Assesment Of Migration Flows And Mobility Tracking Within The Context Of COVID-19, Report #4 (March,2021)
Data were collected through interviews conducted remotely with strategically selected key informants. Information provided by the General Directorate of Migration and Foreigners (DGME), the National Civil Police (PNC), and the International Health Oce (OSI) was used for each border crossing location. For the El Amatillo Border Crossing, information was also obtained from the Municipality of Pasaquina.