Communication for Development in Honduras: Plan your Life

IOM, through the Western Hemisphere Program, supports communication for development (C4D) processes in the region, including in Honduras. There, a participative campaign is currently being developed for young people to reflect on their life plans and get informed about alternatives to irregular migration. More information in this summary. 

Communication for Development in Mexico: Migrating Informed

IOM, through the Western Hemisphere Program, supports communication for development (C4D) processes in the region, including in Mexico. There, a participative campaign is currently being developed for Central American migrants in transit to learn about regularization opportunities in the country. More information in this summary. 

Communication for Development in El Salvador: Connect with your Future

IOM, through the Western Hemisphere Program, supports communication for development (C4D) processes in the region, including in El Salvador. There, a participative campaign is currently being developed for young people to reflect on their life plans and get informed about alternatives to irregular migration. More information in this summary. 

Study results - Communication for Development campaigns

As part of the Communication for Development (C4D) processes that IOM, partnering with local organizations, executes in communities in Honduras, El Salvador, Mexico and Guatemala, a study was conducted to get to know these communities. The goal was to understand the knowledge, attitudes and behaviors of people regarding migration issues, and particularly regarding alternatives to irregular migration. Find here the main results. 

IOM X in Central America - Communication for Development

The Regional Migration Program has in its phase 9 a communication for development component that seeks to go beyond information and generate behavioral changes in 4 communities in the region. Read this info sheet for more information.


A step-by-step guide to applying Communication for Development (C4D) to counter-trafficking activities. Material made by IOMX. 

Information Campaigns

The Regional Migration Program´s Knowledge Uptakes provide lessons learned and promising practice-oriented solutions to feed into the consultations for the Global Compact on Safe, Orderly, and Regular Migration (GCM) and serve as a global knowledge product for policymakers and practitioners. The Knowledge Uptakes draw upon the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration (PRM)-funded Regional Migration Programs’ years of experience in supporting migration policy and implementing operational programs and services.