IOM and the Ministry of Public Education of Costa Rica strengthen plan for the regularization of students' migration status

Identifying that students in an irregular migratory situation are at a significant disadvantage within the educational system, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) is collaborating with the Costa Rican Ministry of Public Education to strengthen the Basic Administration System for Education and its Resources (SABER).
This project will allow the identification of students who do not have a identification documents and their families, with the purpose of including them in the student registry. Thus, they will be able to enroll through the single file in the Costa Rican education system.
"IOM is making an important donation to the SABER project, to initiate the pilot plan for the regularization of students in irregular migratory conditions, so that they can be part of the identification of students. This way we can guarantee the rights that other students have today to this population," said Rafael Ramirez, director of Proyecto Saber, Ministry of Public Education.
This activity was conducted within the framework of the Western Hemisphere Program, implemented by IOM with funding from the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration.