Aware Migrants
An IOM project that gathered testimonies from African migrants who tried to reach Europe, as well as success stories. The site includes information about the risks of irregular migration and alternatives to it.
An IOM project that gathered testimonies from African migrants who tried to reach Europe, as well as success stories. The site includes information about the risks of irregular migration and alternatives to it.
The Backway Theatre is an innovative pedagogical tool designed for raising awareness around irregular migration among young potential migrants. It is aimed at students aged 13 to 18 years old, primarily for those on the way to completing their secondary studies. This activity should be implemented by IOM in collaboration with migrant returnees, who will serve as the facilitators who carry out the activity in schools around the country.
Discover the real stories of people who had to leave their homes behind and start over. This IOM site gathers portraits of internally displaced persons; that is, of people who have migrated within their countries of origin.
This 15-minute podcast explores men's vulnerabilities to trafficking in persons, and the social norms that make them silent about their plight.
Have you ever had a really easy chance to migrate? #ThinkTwice and learn to identify fake offers, like Jose did. Visit Somos Colmena to learn more.This is an IOM campaign, created in collaboration with communities in El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala, using the OIMX methodology.
A US Department of Homeland Security Infographic explaining what is trafficking in persons and how to spot it. Developed for their Blue campaign.
A comprehensive guide to the identification of cases of trafficking in personas around the world, and the way to report them in the United States. These materials were created by the US Department of Homeland Security, as part of their campaign Blue.
This animated video will teach you the basic concepts about trafficking in persons. It is a production of the Department of Homland Security of the United States, for their campaign Blue.
This video explains child labor and its risks. Credits: IOMX
This video explains the term "debt bondage", an irregular migation risk. Credits: IOMX