

RCM analyzes the work of employment counselors in the integration of migrants

On October 29, more than 50 people from the member countries of the Regional Conference on Migration (RCM) concluded a training and awareness-raising process for employment counselors. The course sought to provide context on labour migration in the region, inform about the profiles of migrants and improve practices for their inclusion in the labour market.


IOM and IIN start specialized virtual course about migrant children in the Americas

On October 20, 2021, the third edition of the "Specialized virtual course on migrant children in the Americas" opened with a discussion on the rights of migrant children and adolescents. This is part of a joint effort between the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the Institute for Children and Adolescents of the Organization of American States (IIN-OAS). 



IOM and ILO lead global conversation on labour migration in the age of digitalization

The International Forum on Digitalization, Migration and Development promoted by IOM and ILO, analyzed how migrant workers are involved in socio-labour dynamics that do not escape the new trends that the future of work presents, and digitalization could contribute to safe, orderly and regular labour migration under decent work conditions.These tools include the creation of innovative digital platforms of public institutions; new systems to process work permits quickly and expeditiously by virtual means, with a focus on the protection of public health; to the adoption of laws that encourage the mobility of "digital nomads", willing to telework from anywhere in the world.


Communication for Development Campaigns Address How Migration Information Needs Changed in the Face of the Pandemic in Mexico and Central America

More than 110 government institutions, civil society organizations and community leaders in collaboration with the International Organization for Migration (IOM) presented their Communication for Development campaigns in August and September 2021. These initiatives were developed through evidence-based and participatory strategies that included more than 2,000 people from all communities involved for baselines, creations, and validations. 


Guatemala prepares to improve its labour market information, with support from IOM

Guatemala held a virtual meeting with public officials and specialists in the field from Mexico and El Salvador. Participants had the opportunity to discuss best practices and analyze areas for improvement in their data record-keeping. Among the speakers were representatives from the Colegio de la Frontera Norte (COLEF), the Migration Policy, Registration and Identity Unit of the Mexican Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Labour and Social Security of El Salvador.


Mexico’s Beta Group Works with Panama’s Humanitarian Border Security Unit

From Panama’s and Mexico’s diverse contexts, both the USFROH and the INM Beta Group are working on similar tasks according to their functions, facing the challenges posed by monitoring, surveillance, and assistance of border crossings, especially by providing protection and assistance to those in a position of mobility, in addition to the fact that both aim to safeguard the security, dignity and life of migrants on their way to their migratory destinations. 


IOM Strengthens the Information Hubs on Migration Model in Honduras and Mexico

In August, Honduras and Mexico carried out activities to strengthen the model of Information Hubs on Migration. In Honduras, the Workshop on Analysis and Validation of the Information Hubs Model in the Municipal Management Model for Social Development was held, and Mexico held the 2021 National Meeting of Information Hubs on Migration


IOM and FLACSO Costa Rica Train Communication Professionals from Mexico and Central America to Address Migration

More than 50 journalists and media professionals from 6 countries participated in the first edition of the Specialized Course on Communication and Migration provided by the International Organization for Migration (IOM). The course promotes an ethical and responsible production of migration-related information and the comprehensive approach to this phenomenon in informative content.


IOM and RCM Strengthen Local Government Capacities in Mesoamerica with Policy and Governance Training Program

The Training Program on Migration Policy and Governance with a Focus on Local and Municipal Levels consisted of the virtual module Migration Trends in Latin America and three synchronous sessions. Participants enjoyed a panel with representatives of the local governments of Costa Rica and El Salvador, and the Federation of Local Governments of Latin America (FLACMA), who addressed the main needs and priorities identified for local migration governance. Subsequently, a space for group work made it possible to collectively build some recommendations from the perspectives of communities of destination, origin, return and transit.
