32 Young University Students Discuss on Migration in Southern Mexico
The University of the Isthmus in Ixtepec campus was the setting for the workshop "Migration and Youth", aimed at 32 students of the Faculty of Law of the Department of Constitutional Studies.
Protection and Assistance to Migrants
The International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the Coordination of Attention to Human Rights of the state of Oaxaca held this week the workshop "Protection and Assistance to Migrants", aimed at state institutions of government and civil society, Which provide care to the migrant population.
Awareness raising workshops on migration of LGBTI people
The International Organization for Migration (IOM), together with the Departmental Delegation of the Ministry of the Interior organized a training day sessions in Chinandega and Somotillo to strengthen the protection of LGBTI (lesbians, homosexuals, bisexuals, transsexuals, Intersex) migrant’s rights.
Nation Civil Police of Guatemala with new tools for protection of migrant children
Through its Mesoamerica Program, the United Nations Migration Agency (IOM) provided the National Civil Police with new technological and methodological tools that will help to strengthen the capacities of vulnerable migrant cases identification, attention and referral, especially children and adolescents.
IOM Targets Unaccompanied Migrant Children in Mesoamerica
Costa Rica - Experts from seven Mesoamerican countries who work with unaccompanied migrant children transiting the region have taken part in a regional training organized by IOM in Costa Rica.
Mesoamerican Governments Prepare to Support Migrants in Crisis Situations
Costa Rica - Over 40 consular and migration officers from eight countries in the region met this week in San José for a training on protecting migrants stranded in countries affected by conflicts or national disasters.
IOM welcomes adoption of Regional Guidelines for the Protection of Migrant Children
After a participatory process, at the end of 2016 the Regional Conference on Migration (RCM), a forum made up of eleven countries in the region, approved the document "Regional Guidelines for the Comprehensive Protection of Boys, Girls and Adolescents in the Context of Migration".
Vibrant Migration Film Festival in Mesoamerica
Without a doubt, cinema is a powerful tool to inform and raise awareness. This was demonstrated once again in the framework of the Global Migration Film Festival, when hundreds of people gathered to reflect on documentaries and films about migration. The Global Migration Film Festival, launched by IOM in more than 50 countries, supports the United Nations global campaign "Together", aimed at counteracting some of the misinformation and misperceptions about migrants.
Eloquent images of migration in Mesoamerica
During the month of December, the Mesoamerican Program promoted a regional amateur photography contest "Miradas en Movimiento: Focusing on dignity, ensuring protection". The virtual community InformArte en Movimiento served as a basis for disseminating the call as well as for the interested public to comment and vote for their favorite photos.
Mesoamerica Program opens tenth office for vulnerable migrants in Mesoamerica
Palenque, Chiapas - Last month the municipality of Palenque (Chiapas, southern Mexico) inaugurated its Bureau of Assistance for Migrants and Refugees, which will bring information and support to at-risk migrants and refugees. This is the tenth office opened in the region with the Mesoamerica Program support.