IOM and the Ministry of Public Education of Costa Rica strengthen plan for the regularization of students' migration status
Identifying that students in an irregular migratory situation are at a significant disadvantage within the educational system, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) is collaborating with the Costa Rican Ministry of Public Education to strengthen the Basic Administration System for Education and its Resources (SABER).
Mexican states share their best experiences in implementing migration policy
The National Coordination of Migrant Attention Offices (CONOFAM) in association with the International Organization for Migration (IOM), prepared a report on Good Practices in the Implementation of Migration Policy at the Local Level in twelve Mexican states. The purpose of the report was to identify, share and provide guidelines for governments to replicate actions that contribute to good migration governance and benefit both migrants and receiving communities.
Belize strengthens data collection on trafficking in persons
The Ministry of Human Development, Families and Indigenous People’s Affairs (MHDFIPA) of Belize launched the new TIP Module on the Ministry’s case management system FAMCare in partnership with The International Organization for Migration (IOM). Between 2019 and 2020, the Anti-Trafficking in Persons Council (ATIPs) in Belize identified 6 victims, and provided medical, psychosocial and legal care for 19 more identified in previous years.
New IOM Study Finds Connection Between Emerging Petroleum Sector and Increased Travel to Guyana from the Caribbean
Between 2013- 2018, nationals from the Caribbean were recorded as having the highest increase in migration to Guyana when compared to those from Venezuela, Europe, and the United States of America (USA). This is according to a recent report from the International Organization for Migration (IOM), titled Planning for Prosperity: Labour Migration and Guyana’s Emerging Economy.
IOM and IIN start specialized virtual course about migrant children in the Americas
On October 20, 2021, the third edition of the "Specialized virtual course on migrant children in the Americas" opened with a discussion on the rights of migrant children and adolescents. This is part of a joint effort between the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the Institute for Children and Adolescents of the Organization of American States (IIN-OAS).
Border personnel in Panama exchanged experiences concerning migration management in emergency contexts
Participants included members of the different coordination mechanisms for migration management with presence in the two border provinces of Panama, Darien and Chiriqui. Topics discussed included inter-institutional coordination mechanisms for migrant populations in vulnerable situations, how the Human Mobility Group of the United Nations System in Panama works, and a tour of the Los Planes de Gualaca Migrant Reception Station (MRS). The participants accompanied the reception of 1,047 migrants who arrived in 19 buses from Darien, thus learning part of the dynamics within the MRS.
IOM presents key findings to improve recruitment in the Belizean citrus industry
On September 16th, the International Organization for Migration discussed key findings on ethical recruitment, based on the new Study entitled: Mapping the current needs of the Citrus Industry regarding Labour Migration and Ethical Recruitment Practices in Belize. The Labour Force Survey 2020 indicates that migrants make up 18.7 percent of the Belizean labour force, but over 70 percent of the workers in the citrus industry.
Guatemala prepares to improve its labour market information, with support from IOM
Guatemala held a virtual meeting with public officials and specialists in the field from Mexico and El Salvador. Participants had the opportunity to discuss best practices and analyze areas for improvement in their data record-keeping. Among the speakers were representatives from the Colegio de la Frontera Norte (COLEF), the Migration Policy, Registration and Identity Unit of the Mexican Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Labour and Social Security of El Salvador.
Communication for Development Campaigns Address How Migration Information Needs Changed in the Face of the Pandemic in Mexico and Central America
More than 110 government institutions, civil society organizations and community leaders in collaboration with the International Organization for Migration (IOM) presented their Communication for Development campaigns in August and September 2021. These initiatives were developed through evidence-based and participatory strategies that included more than 2,000 people from all communities involved for baselines, creations, and validations.
IOM and CELIEM strengthen management skills of social enterprises
This specialized assistance strengthened the competencies and managerial capacities of diaspora organizations as social enterprises, in order to achieve the sustainability of their processes and the social impact of their actions. The first class includes 51 people from 14 countries.