3 September, 2017

Panama prepare to assume the Pro-Tempore Chair of the Regional Conference on Migration, with IOM support

On November 29, 2017, Panama will assume the Pro-Tempore Presidency of the Regional Conference on Migration (RCM) with the responsibility of contributing to the UN Global Compact in regards to safe, regular and orderly migration.

3 September, 2017

Guatemala and Mexico organize cross-border diploma on migration

Migration is a human phenomenon and so goes beyond than just numbers and statistics. To understand the issue, one must study the many faces of mobility and the spaces in which it happens. This imperative underlines this second diploma course on professional training: "Human Rights in the Interactions of Old and New Mobilities".

3 September, 2017

On International Youth Day, young people in the region lead migration initiatives

As part of the celebration of International Youth Day held August 12, a number of Mesoamerica Program activities were carried out in which youth leaders played an active role as trainers or facilitators in workshops on migration and youth.

3 September, 2017

Panama and Costa Rica walk together against human trafficking

Trafficking in persons is a crime that globally affects millions of people and it is important everybody is aware of it. That’s why, for the fifth consecutive year, the Binational Walk against Human Trafficking took place between Costa Rica and Panama. The activity is organized by the Permanent Commission for the Protection and Assistance to Vulnerable Migrants (COPPAMI in Spanish) with support from the International Organization for Migration (IOM) as part of the World Day against Trafficking in Persons which is held every year on July 30.

22 August, 2017

Documentary Shows Risks of Irregular Migration in Mesoamerica

IOM, The UN Migration Agency has released the documentary, The Fable of the Lion and the Coyote, directed by Costa Rican filmmaker and producer, Miguel Gómez.

31 July, 2017

OIM launches a new online course on the rights and risk faced by LGBTI migrants

The new course Migration and LGBTI People on the Learning Platform of the International Organization for Migrations will allow officers of governmental institutions and NGOs linked to the topics of migration and human rights that work with lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersexual (LGBTI) migrants, to acquire the necessary knowledge related to the rights and risk faced by this population during their migratory journeys.

28 July, 2017

Boosting Young People’s Knowledge and Techniques on Regional Migration Issues

The majority of migrants from the region are young. That reality is why the IOM has held training workshops on migration and youth, in which more than 100 young people from the Mesoamerica region have taken part so far, to learn of the specific risks they and others their age face when migrating irregularly.

28 July, 2017

The Mesoamerica Program supports efforts made by the Workgroup on Comprehensive Protection for Children in San Pedro Sula, Honduras

Since March 2017, the Mesoamerica Program has had a permanent presence through a local partner, in San Pedro Sula, Honduras’ second-biggest city and an area characterized by having high migratory flows.

28 July, 2017

Information Hubs Expand their Reach to Border Zone Schools and Institutions

There are now 10 information hubs operating in the Mesoamerican region with the support of the IOM, with one opening last month in Chinandega, Nicaragua. The Mesoamerica Program, together with the national and local authorities of each country, has established these posts in the border areas of Panama, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, Nicaragua and Mexico. They provided personalized information to about 2,000 vulnerable migrants in 2016 alone.

28 July, 2017

Completion of the 2017 Specialized Course on Migrant Children in the Region

More than 300 government officials (from migration services, institutes for children and adolescents, consulates, the police and elsewhere) and civil society organizations in Mesoamerica successfully completed the Specialized Course on Migrant Children, developed by IOM,  between April and June 2017.