8 March, 2018

Nicaraguan Municipal Committees against Trafficking in Persons Prepare 2018 Action Plan

Nicaragua. The 13 Municipal Committees that comprise the Departmental Coalition against Trafficking in Persons of Chinandega, Nicaragua, have been working on the preparation of a 2018 action plan, aimed at preventing the crime of trafficking in persons. 

8 March, 2018

Migration Police in Costa Rica improve their Conflict Mitigation skills in Migration Centers

Costa Rica. IOM, the UN Migration Agency, through the Mesoamerica Program, trained for the first time the Costa Rican Migration Police on “Conflict Resolution in Migration Management”, with the objective of strengthening capacities for peaceful conflict resolution.

9 February, 2018

The Mesoamerica Program begins implementation in Belize for the first time

Belize. Belize is now part of the Mesoamerica Program, which is characterized by its comprehensive capacity-building component under a human rights approach for migration governance. During the past months, the United Nations Migration Agency (IOM) carried out a needs assessment study to identify the main priorities of stakeholders in Belize and tailor activities to them.

9 February, 2018

Judges and attorneys of Guatemala and Mexico built their capacities on trafficking in persons

Mexico. With the support of the United Nations Agency for Migration (IOM), through the Mesoamerica Program, the Office of Overseas Prosecutorial Development, Assistance and Training of the Department of Justice (DOJ) of the United States trained judges and attorneys of Mexico and Guatemala on a variety of competences and interview techniques for cases of victims of trafficking in persons in the framework of the new system of criminal justice of Mexico.

7 February, 2018

IOM and the Ministry of Public Education of Costa Rica signed a National Work Plan to foster education free of discrimination against migrants

San Jose, Costa Rica. The United Nations Agency for Migration (IOM), through the Mesoamerica Program, and the Ministry of Public Education (MEP), signed on the 31st of January, a National Working Plan for the year 2018, with the objective of strengthening the links and cooperation between both entities to complement efforts towards the priorities of the country, as well as to promote the right to education of migrants.

5 January, 2018

Regional E-Course on Migrant Women promoted the active participation of consular staff in RCM Member States

The Pro-Tempore Presidency of the Regional Conference on Migration (RCM), held by El Salvador until November 2017, and the UN Migration Agency, implemented an 8-week virtual course on International Law, Assistance and Protection of Migrant Women.

5 January, 2018

Partners of the Mesoamerica Program in El Salvador shared their accomplishments during the visit of the Department of State of the United States

Representatives of the Salvadorian municipalities impacted by migration, such as La Union and Ahuachapán, as well as national civil security and migration institutions, shared their experience in the implementation of actions supported by the Mesoamerica Program.

5 January, 2018

IOM and its partners in the region celebrated the International Migrants Day

Every 18th of December, the world celebrates migrants. In this opportunity, the United Nations Migration Agency, IOM, did so under the motto ´´safe migration in a world on the move´´.

5 January, 2018

8 countries outlined a new period of cooperation on Migration with the Mesoamerica Program

IOM, the UN Migration Agency, developed a needs-assessments study in each of the eight countries of the Mesoamerica region to establish with state institutions and civil society organizations the annual cooperation priorities of the Mesoamerica Program, oriented towards capacity-building of institutions for orderly, safe and regular migration.

5 January, 2018

Municipalities from the Northern and Southern borders of Mexico exchanged best practices on migration

The Mexican municipalities of Tapachula ad Tijuana, border cities with Guatemala and the Unites States respectively, organized, with the support of IOM, a second meeting on the 13th and 14th of December 2017 to exchange experiences and best practices from each border.