More than 30 Information Hubs shared their experiences in providing support to migrants
In recent months there has been a substantial increase in migration flows from Central America to North America, making it increasingly necessary to expand the coverage of secure information channels. Chief among these are the migration information hubs, which in the first quarter of 2021 alone, reported to IOM to have assisted more than 12,000 people in Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico and the Dominican Republic.
IOM interactive map will connect migrants with diaspora support
The International Organization for Migration (IOM) launched an interactive map that will allow migrants to identify diaspora organizations and the support services they can provide. Since the map will be a live resource, IOM has provided a link where organizations wishing to be indexed can fill out a form and include their basic information.
IOM engages with labour sector stakeholders to outline future actions in Guyana
The International Organization for Migration (IOM) participated in a webinar on Labour and Migration in Guyana, hosted by the American Chamber of Commerce Guyana. Participants reviewed actions conducted alongside the Government of Guyana in the area of labour migration in recent times. In the near future, IOM will be releasing two reports that cover labour migration: the Migration Governance Needs Assessment and the Guyana labour study entitled Planning for Prosperity: Labour Migration and Guyana’s Emerging Economy.
700 officials from Mexico's National Employment Service join IOM's training program on labour migration
Through a training program implemented by the International Organization for Migration, more than 700 officials from Mexico's National Employment Service (SNE) updated their knowledge of the country's migratory context and the challenges faced by migrants in joining the labour market.
IOM in Panama installs the Darien Technical Committee for Migration
The Darien Technical Committee for Migration was inaugurated on March 23, 2021. It is a mechanism that seeks intersectoral coordination of operational actions in response to the protection and assistance needs of migrants, asylum seekers, refugees and those who may have other international protection needs, as well as the needs and impact of migration on host communities.
IOM trained municipal staff in Talamanca, Costa Rica, about trafficking in persons
On March 19, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Costa Rica trained the staff of the Municipality of Talamanca on the crime of trafficking in persons. The training was conducted in coordination with the General Directorate of Migration and Aliens (DGME), through the Municipal Center for Migrants in Talamanca.
IOM strengthens digital commerce capacities for the small business sector of Desamparados
The International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Costa Rica, in coordination with the Municipality of Desamparados and the Institute for Municipal Promotion and Consulting (IFAM), conducted two virtual lectures on Digital Commerce to train entrepreneurs of this canton, and promote their adaptation to the challenges posed by the pandemic.
IOM trained Mexicali municipal police to better protect migrant children
This event strengthened the capacities of police personnel, and more specifically their role in migrant children protection processes with a focus on rights, and also explained the main changes regarding legislative reforms on children's issues.
Mexico joins the governments that promote orderly, safe and dignified migration using the Migration Governance Indicators (MGI)
Mexico City - Mexico joined the 84 countries and 30 local authorities in the world that have begun to promote orderly, safe and responsible migration using the Migration Governance Indicators (MGI), created in 2015 by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) to meet target 10.7 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Key staff of DGME El Salvador completed training on migration and gender with IOM
In order to sensitize public officials who work with migrant women, IOM El Salvador developed a specialized course on migration and gender. Throughout 5 face-to-face sessions, 17 civil servants from the DGME learned about the particularities of the migration experience according to gender and updated their knowledge of the protocol for assisting national and foreign women victims of gender-based violence.