Mexico: IOM and its Partners Facilitate Access to Regular and Safe Migration in Times of COVID-19
Responding to the information needs of migrants is essential in times of COVID-19. In order to do so in the best way possible, the “Migrating Informed” campaign has been launched in southern Mexico. It is an initiative presented last Tuesday on a Facebook Live by the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the National Migration Institute (INM) and the organization Doctors of the World to promote the different mechanisms created to support migrants in Tapachula, Chiapas in the context caused by the pandemic.
The measures presented for a safe migration include the creation of the free telephone number 800 0046 264 so that migrants can follow up on their processes at the INM or make inquiries, as well as a series of tips to prevent and protect themselves from COVID- 19 in case they must do a procedure in person.
"Migratory flows have not stopped and have continued during the COVID-19 pandemic. They include families with children, and sometimes even, several generations travel together," said Tania Marín, Migration Project Coordinator from Doctors of the World at the event. Therefore, it is necessary to promote safe and dignified migratory processes not only for the benefit of migrants, but also for host communities such as Tapachula, a city with a history closely linked to migration.
“Migrating Informed” is a campaign that tries to generate a reflection on the options that migrants have in order to get information and the benefits of traveling safely. For the process of adapting the campaign to the context generated by the pandemic, IOM has made efforts to adapt the Communication for Development (C4D) methodology so that the campaign is evidence-based and participatory.
For this, the baseline was complemented with flow monitoring based on 500 surveys that has led to a report, the Displacement Monitoring Matrix (DTM), which allows the campaign to contextualize better migrants needs. In addition, in the construction process, different virtual activities were carried out with local partners.
In the coming weeks, graphic materials will be distributed in Spanish, English, French and Creole and mobile radio ads in the neighborhoods and shelters in Tapachula, Chiapas, where the main migrant community is concentrated. As part of this initiative, a huge mural was also made, it located outside the INM office in Tapachula.
All these efforts to better inform migrants are complemented in social media with a call to action that can be consulted on the social networks of IOM Mexico and on the Facebook page and website“Somos Colmena”
This initiative is created within the framework of IOM’s Western Hemisphere Program, with funding by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration. For more information, please contact Alberto Cabezas, National Communication Officer of IOM Mexico, at the email: