IOM strengthens consulate capacities to protect migrants during emergencies

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) developed several training sessions on how to provide adequate assistance to migrants in emergency contexts.
The workshops, tailored to consular staffs accredited in the Honduran capitals and the Permanent Contingency Comission (COPECO) personnel, were created in the context of the Migrants in Countries in Crisis (MICIC) initiative.
MICIC seeks timely preparedness to respond to major crises affecting countries and, therefore, migrants stranded or in transit during the emergency.
“The goal is to protect the dignity and the rights of migrants stranded in places experiencing conflict or natural disasters, regardless of their migratory status”, explained Likza Salazar, IOM’s officer in charge during the launch of the workshop.
Under this mandate, IOM has trained technical personnel in the Tegucigalpa consulates which register the most nationals living in Honduras: the United States, Mexico, Colombia, Guatemala, El Salvador and Argentina. The workshop was later replicated with COPECO personnel, as they are the institution responsible for an effective coordination of the National Risk Managemente System.
“Thanks to this kind of workshops with the organizations involved in the efforts to respond to the needs of migrants before, during and after an emergency, we can increase sensibilization and knowledge about exposure to risks, preparation measures, available help and migrants’ rights”, added Salazar.
About this same topic, there is a course called “Improving assistance to Nationals Affected by Crises Abroad”, available for free on E-Campus, IOM’s online learning platform on migration. It is open to the public and you can sign up on
The workshops are developed as part of IOM’s Western Hemisphere Program, financed by the Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration (PRM) of the US Department of State.
This text was originally published by Hondudiario, and is available online at: