IOM signs collaboration agreement with the Dominican Republic Migration Institute, for the development of educational platforms and programs

Santo Domingo. The International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the National Institute for Migration (INM RD) signed a collaboration agreement with the purpose of strengthening the design and execution of comprehensive training programs on migration issues, so that they respond to international standards for classroom, blended and online teaching models. The agreement, signed by Josué Gastelbondo, IOM's Chief of Mission in the Dominican Republic, and the Executive Director of the INM RD, Florinda Rojas, gives continuity to the Memorandum of Understanding signed by both organizations in 2016, which aimed to combine technical, administrative and financial efforts to establish cooperation actions on migration issues.
Gastelbondo highlighted the role of digital platforms as an opportunity to access academic content from anywhere, "which allows for wider use and better response to educational needs. In addition, he said that "virtual training has become a requirement and providing these cyberspaces in the Dominican Republic will be an interesting experience for both parties".
Meanwhile, Rojas highlighted that the document ratifies the commitment of the INM RD to develop capacities and knowledge on migration issues, as well as "the continuous use of communication and information technologies in the teaching-learning processes through our teaching unit, the National School of Migration (ENM), with the technical assistance of the IOM".
IOM made available the free online learning platform E-Campus, which provides the opportunity to update knowledge about human mobility. ENM also makes available its Virtual Classroom for the management of technical and pedagogical content related to migration. "On a reciprocal basis, they will exchange experiences and periodically promote the academic offer available. The training actions will have the combination of virtual and face-to-face teaching (b-learning)", they said.
E-Campus is a free site with courses and training materials on migration, developed by people and institutions specialized in topics that converge with the migration issue. The platform is ideal for the professional updating of government officials, people from civil society, students, academics and anyone interested in the topic. You can access the platform at
These efforts are carried out within the framework of the Regional Program on Migration Mesoamerica- The Caribbean , financed by the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration. For more information, please contact Zinnia Martínez of the IOM Dominican Republic: