IOM Builds Synergies within Local Migration Networks in Honduras

The Local Migration Networks bring together various organizations that have an impact on migration management in Honduras, including government authorities, human rights defenders or other non-governmental institutions that provide assistance to migrants. There are currently two local networks operating in different geographical regions of the country: Northern Local Network and Southern Local Network.
During the month of July, the IOM team met with the two networks to define joint work plans to facilitate actions to carry out in favour of migrants. Efforts were made to strengthen the organization and leadership of the networks, so that each participating institution can contribute according to its area of specialization.
Among the institutions that make up the Local Networks on Migration, and that were part of these meetings, are the National Migration Institute, municipalities, the Municipal Units for Assistance to Returned Migrants (UMAR), the Permanent Commission on Contingencies (COPECO), intergovernmental bodies such as UNHCR and strategic partners such as World Vision.
"It was a very productive space because we were able to capture activities and we will be able to carry them out. This is what it different about this, that it is not only to capture ideas, but we will be able to make visits to the field and visualize the work that we as a local network are doing for the population", said Clori Cobos, representative of San Pedro Sula’s UMAR.
IOM supports Local Migration Networks through its Western Hemisphere Program, funded by the United States Department of State Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration.