IOM builds capacities of state and consular personnel in Mexico for migration governance and crisis management

Mexico. This September, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) provided support for two workshops in Mexico, with the objective of training personnel to better address the needs of the migrant population.
One was a workshop on migration governance in conjunction with the Coordination of State Migrant Assistance Offices (CONOFAM), which had the objective of strengthening its offices, known as OFAM. Forty representatives of CONOFAM participated from various states and public institutions at the federal level.
OFAM personnel provide orientation for Mexican migrants who return to their places of origin as well as for immigrants in Mexico. The workshop strengthened their methodological tools for migration governance and related issues, such as MECAL, an instrument for comprehensive labor channeling, and MAP, a model that promotes increasing independence of migrants through a process that builds capacities for managing migration procedures and integration.
The second was a workshop by the Migrants in Countries in Crisis (MICIC) initiative for personnel from five Honduran consulates in Mexico. The objective was to improve their capacities to assist the Honduran population living Mexico in emergency situations.
As part of the activity, the participants learned how the consulates of Guatemala and Mexico have implemented similar plans to protect their nationals abroad. Additionally, they shared the primary challenges they face and identified best practices and areas where they can improve their response to emergency or crisis situations.
Both activities were opened by Christopher Gascón, Chief of Mission of IOM for Mexico. “We are convinced that we should strengthen migration governance, and to achieve this it is necessary for government at the national, state, and municipal levels, companies, civil society organizations, and all actors involved in migration to be able to refer to international norms and safeguard respect for human rights,” said Gascón.
These activities are part of the Regional Migration Program: Mesoamerica-The Caribbean, with financing from the Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM) of the Department of State of the United States.