IOM builds capacities for monitoring migration flows in Mexico and Guatemala
The displacement tracking matrix (DTM) is a system that IOM uses at the global level to track and monitor displacement and population mobility. This methodology is designed to capture, process, and disseminate information regularly and systematically in order to enable better preparation for and response to migration flows in different parts of the world.
IOM utilized the Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) in December 2018 and January 2019 in order to compile quantitative and qualitative information on the profiles and demographics of the migrant population that participated in the caravans that crossed Central America and Mexico at the end of last year.
“Given that new caravans have set out in January 2019, the information obtained from the DTM is vitally important since it enables better understanding of the profile of the migrants in the caravans,” said Marcelo Pisani, Regional Director of IOM for Central America, North America, and the Caribbean. “These data will facilitate a comprehensive response on the part of IOM and the various actors involved.” The results of the DTM Tijuana can be downloaded here, and the results of DTM Chiapas here.
Before applying the DTM in Chiapas, a workshop and exchange of best practices was held with government counterparts, IOM staff, and volunteers.
“The exchange of experiences opened dialog between the participating institutions, with the goal of measuring the real achievements of the application of the tool in Tapachula and, based on that, offering a strategy to implement that is adapted to local needs,” explained Karla Picado, Information Management specialist at IOM.
The findings of these DTM provide vital information for improving actions taken in the region, such as the Assisted Voluntary Return Program (AVR), which has supported the voluntary return of over 849 migrants from the caravans between November 2018 and February 2019. The report on voluntary returns can be downloaded here.
All of these efforts are part of the Regional Migration Program Mesoamerica- the Caribbean, which operates with support from the Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM) of the Department of State of the United States.
For more information, contact Alexandra Bonnie at the IOM Regional Office for Central America, North America, and the Caribbean at, Tel: +506 2212 5304