The Government of Mexico, IOM, and ILO present new Guide to Migration Procedures

Photo by Cesia Chavarría.
Mexico City– Faced with the increase in migrants seeking to settle in Mexican territory, the National Migration Institute of Mexico, in collaboration with the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the International Labor Organization (ILO), presented a new Guide to Migration Procedures.
This is a tool focused on providing information to foreign nationals and employers on migration procedures related to employment. Additionally, this publication aims to reach the business sector to communicate that migrants are part of the comprehensive development of the communities that receive them, and therefore of local economies and economic development.
“The Guide is an invitation to all sectors, particularly business, to participate in a vision of the future in which challenges become opportunities that contribute to sustainable development and growth for all. This guide seeks to identify opportunities for added value and to enable the socioeconomic integration of migrants,” explained Christopher Gascón, Chief of Mission of IOM in Mexico.
Georgina Vázquez de los Reyes, National Migration Official of ILO in Mexico, also stressed the conditions that make labor migration a necessary issue to address: “Migrants are over-represented in the informal sector. Even migrants with regular status are entering the informal economy. This means migrant workers do not have employment contracts or access to protection and social security, among other things”.
The publication of this Guide to Migration Procedures will also contribute to the fight against migrant smuggling and trafficking for labor exploitation, in accordance with the position Mexico has adopted in the majority of international human rights forum and in recognition of the contributions of migration to the countries of origin and destination.
These activities are possible as part of the Regional Migration Program: Mesoamerica-The Caribbean, financed by the Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM) of the Department of State of the United States.