IOM strengthens digital commerce capacities for the small business sector of Desamparados

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Costa Rica, in coordination with the Municipality of Desamparados and the Institute for Municipal Promotion and Consulting (IFAM), conducted two virtual lectures on Digital Commerce to train entrepreneurs of this canton, and promote their adaptation to the challenges posed by the pandemic.
The objective of this training was to provide knowledge in technological tools to migrants from the community who have established businesses and wish to develop and implement new strategies to market their products. The training was key because of the current context, in which digital commerce has increased its relevance due to the sanitary restrictions that still continue in the country due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The training covered key aspects for these people to apply in their businesses, such as knowing how to position the brand, use of social networks, basic principles in photography and videos for social networks, among others. The Municipal Center for Migrants in Desamparados (CMM) promotes these initiatives to support and strengthen socio-productive projects of the people of the canton.
The activity was inaugurated by Mr. Roberto Lemaitre, manager of the CMM and Ms. Isis Orozco, National Coordinator of the Western Hemisphere Program. Mr. Lemaitre commented that he is grateful to the IOM for developing these actions in the canton of Desamparados, especially in the rural districts, where there is a socio-productive association made up of entrepreneurs who are able to strengthen their businesses thanks to these types of activities.
In turn, Mrs. Marjorie Núñez, an entrepreneur who participated in the activity, said "I am very grateful for being able to participate in such an important training for us entrepreneurs, with this we acquire tools for the progress of our businesses".
In attendance were 20 small business owners, both national and foreign, who reside in Desamparados. This activity was conducted within the framework of the Western Hemisphere Program, funded by the U.S. Department of State Office of Population, Refugees and Migration (PRM).