Celebration of the World Day against Trafficking in Persons in Mesoamerica
In the context of the World Day against Trafficking in Persons, July 30, various countries took action to raise awareness about the situation of human trafficking victims.
In Tabasco, Mexico, IOM and the Office of the Public Prosecutor for Combating Human Trafficking of Tabasco facilitated a meeting between officials from various government departments at the municipal and state level, international organizations, and civil society organizations. The outcome of the meeting was a commitment by the institutions to establish the Tabasco Committee for Assistance of Victims of Trafficking.
In Chiapas and in Mexico City, information fairs were held. In Chiapas, the activity was carried out with the National Institute of Migration and in the capital IOM joined other Intersectoral Commission members to prevent, persecute and eradicate crimes of human trafficking.
Belize, through its Information Hub, held a training for civil society, government entities, and the private sector on human trafficking in the region of San Pedro. Additionally, it held an outreach activity with an informational booth on the risks of human trafficking, through activities and games for children.
IOM Nicaragua, partnering with Save The Children, held a campaign on national television, radio, social networks, and using materials in Augusto C. Sandino Airport in Managua, with the goal of raising awareness and contributing to the prevention of this crime. The campaign Know the signs, protect yourself from human trafficking promotes audience’s ability to detect indicators of trafficking in persons situations.
IOM Costa Rica held the Symposium: The Crime of Trafficking in Persons: A Transnational Online Threat, which discussed how the operations of criminal groups specializing in human trafficking have modernized and increased their outreach with new technological resources. The activity included the presentation of the US university professor Vanessa Bouché, who is also the principal investigator for the organization Human Trafficking Data.
In the border, Costa Rica and Panama held the 6th Binational March against Human Trafficking. Additionally, Panama put on activities to raise awareness in primary and secondary schools in the border region, which concluded with a speech and mural contest.