700 officials from Mexico's National Employment Service join IOM's training program on labour migration

Through a training program implemented by the International Organization for Migration, more than 700 officials from Mexico's National Employment Service (SNE) updated their knowledge of the country's migratory context and the challenges faced by migrants in joining the labour market.
In order to achieve a true labour integration of migrants, it is important that the employment counselors of the National Employment Service in Mexico have a basic knowledge of the migratory context, as well as the possible migratory profiles of the people who come to request some of the services offered by this agency.
The training was held in several sessions throughout February and March, and covered topics such as residence permits and basic aspects of immigration regularization in Mexico, ethical recruitment and labor inclusion strategies, with emphasis on the strategy of Labor Inclusion Days and the best practices learned from this model.
In addition, the role of the Migration Information Hubs, many of which work with the support from IOM, was presented, and the profile of the migrant population according to the different regions of the country was discussed in depth. Those who participated highlighted the usefulness of this activity in breaking down prejudices.
"The training on attention to the migrant population has been very useful for me to know, among other things, the reasons that a person has for migrating, as well as the documents that they need once settled in Mexico. We now know what processes they need to undertake and the places where they can carry them out," explained Lizette Pacheco Sosa, analyst of Abriendo Espacios of the SNE of Yucatán. "This information is also useful for us to be able to transmit it to employers, since often due to lack of knowledge they do not open doors to this vulnerable group."
The trainings were conducted within the framework of IOM’s Western Hemisphere Program, funded by the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration.