In our Library, you can find publications containing our research, workguides and other materials generated by the Western Hemisphere Program and IOM. You will also find information materials about our tools and campaigns and reports on our work.




Counter Trafficking in Humanitarian Settings

CT initiatives by IOM in humanitarian settings include specialized tools for the humanitarian community and IOM staff, data analysis and research, collaborating with partners to identify and assist victims of trafficking, advocating among the humanitarian and donor community about trafficking networks that deliberately target crisis-affected men, women, boys and girls who are suffering and desperate for a respite, a livelihood, and a way out of the upheaval. 

IOM Handbook on Protection and Assistance for Migrants Vulnerable to Violence, Exploitation and Abuse

This handbook presents the determinants of migrant vulnerability (DOMV) model for analyzing and responding to migrant vulnerability. The DOMV model is specifically designed to address the protection and assistance needs of a specific subset of migrants: those who have experienced or are vulnerable to violence, exploitation, and abuse before, during or after the migration process.  

PRM Funded Regional Migration Capacity-Building Programs| Monitoring Report: October 2019

This report provides a summary of the key takeaways from monitoring missions by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) on Regional Migration Capacity-Building Programs (RMCBPs) between May 2018 and July 2019. The program was funded by the United States Department of State, Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM).

Three photos of Communication for Development activities with the community

Communication for Development 2019 Results Summary

During 2019 we carried out 4 Communication for Development processes in communities in Mexico and Central America, with the goal of promoting change in the knowledge, attitudes and practices concerning migration. Here are some key results. 

Study: Free movement of persons in the Caribbean: economic and security dimensions

Our new report provides a comprehensive regional view of how free movement regimes are being implemented in the Caribbean and their economic and security impacts. See the results here.

Course Catalogue E-Campus

E-Campus is the multilanguage online learning platform of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) that has more than 25 courses and thousands of students globally. Find more information about our courses in this catalog.

Dos mujeres adultas frente a una computadora. Una explica algo a la otra

Information Hubs on Migration in Mesoamerica

The Information Hubs on Migration are centers that provide safe and trustworthy information about migration procedures, services for migrants, risks of irregular migration and alternatives for regular migration. Download the brochure to learn more about the model.

IOM Data: Supporting Women and Girls on the Move

IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix collects and analyses facts and trends that help us devise solutions to challenges unique to women and girls on the move.

Migrant man portrayed from behind to protect his identity

The dangers of the journey (testimony)

Many migrants in transit decide to return to their country due to the multiple risks they encounter along the way. Know the history of one of them.

Migrant middle-aged man speaking into the camera

Testimony of a voluntary returnee (Mario)

“I advise mothers who bring their children, or fathers, to take care of them, and if they couldn’t find another solution, to return, because the ones in danger are the children.”- Mario Alfredo Albir, a Honduran man who returned to his country voluntarily.