Guatemala: IOM and migration authority launched course on national regulations and human mobility

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the Guatemalan Migration Institute (IGM) launched this April 29, during the regular meeting of the Inter-Institutional Technical Board (MIT), the Course on the Migration Code and its regulations, a tool aimed at the staff of government institutions involved in the migration process, civil society, academia and interested citizens.
“The obligation to respect, protect and fulfill the rights of persons is paramount and applies to those who are within the territory of the state, whatever their nationality or migration status and without any discrimination, in order to preserve their safety, physical integrity, welfare and dignity," said Jorge Peraza, IOM Chief of Mission for El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, during the launch of the course.
"The protection of the rights of migrants includes the fight against xenophobia, racism and discrimination, ensuring adherence to the principles of equality and non-discrimination, and access to protection, in accordance with international law," added the chief of mission.
The course is available on IOM’s E-Campus platform. It is free, self-paced, and lasts approximately 4 to 5 hours. Among the topics covered by the course are the generalities of the Guatemalan Migration Code and its structure, the rights of migrant workers, the procedure for the recognition of refugee status, types of migratory regularization and migratory services, among others.
E-Campus has over 25 other courses available for those who want to expand their knowledge on human mobility, including: migrant children, migration and LGTBIQ+ populations, migration governance, migration and health, human trafficking, communication for development, immigration and border management, and migration in emergency and crisis contexts.
The initiative is part of IOM's Western Hemisphere Program with financial support from the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration.
For media and press inquiries, please contact Melissa Vega | . For more information about the E-Campus platform: