Learn about the vulnerabilities faced by people while migrating irregularly.
Risks of irregular migration
Carmen found a scholarship online
But when she started researching, she discovered that the requirements were odd. Learn how to identify offers that might be too good to be true. This video is part of the Think Twice campaign, created along with the community of La Chorrera, Panama. Learn more https://somoscolmena.info/es/piensalo2veces/panama
Ana moved to Panama with a job offer
...and it turned out not to be what she expected. Migrants in Panama have labour rights. Learn how to identify offers that are too good to be true. This video is part of the Think Twice campaign, created along with the community of La Chorrera, Panama. Learn more https://somoscolmena.info/es/piensalodosveces
Luis finally got a job in Panama!
He was even promised help in regularizing his migration status, but... could it be true? Migrants in Panama have labour rights. Learn how to identify scams related to job offers. Las personas migrantes en Panamá tienen derechos laborales. This video is part of the Think Twice campaign, created along with the community of La Chorrera, Panama. Learn more https://somoscolmena.info/es/piensalo2veces/panama
A job at a bar? Be careful!
Reina found a job as a cocktail waitress, but once she arrived she realized her employers expected other duties from her. As a migrant, you have rights. Nobody can force you to perform tasks not originally convened. If you have suspicions of a situation of trafficking in persons, report (in Mexico) by calling 800 5533 000. This video is part of the Think Twice campaign, created along with the migrant communities of Tapachula and Tijuana, Mexico to inform migrants about their labour rights. Learn more at https://somoscolmena.info/es/piensalo2veces.
Flor got a job in Mexico!
Flor got a job offer that turned out not to be what she was promised. Labour exploitation is one of the ends of trafficking in persons. Get informed and report it (in Mexico) at 800 5533 000. This video is part of the Think Twice campaign, created along with the migrant communities of Tapachula and Tijuana, Mexico to informe migrants about their labour rights. Learn more at https://somoscolmena.info/es/piensalo2veces.
Nelson found his first job in Mexico
He was promised a good salary and help in regularizing his migration situation, but reality was different. Labour exploitation is one of the ends of trafficking in persons. As a migrant you have rights. If they are being violated, report (in Mexico) by calling 800 5533 000. This video is part of the Think Twice campaign, created along with the migrant communities of Tapachula and Tijuana, Mexico to inform migrants about their labour rights. Learn more at https://somoscolmena.info/es/piensalo2veces.
Job offer: all you have to do is take care of a patch of land
If someone withholds your documents or they change the conditions of the job after you took it, you could be in a situation of trafficking in persons. If you have suspicions, report (in Mexico) by calling 800 5533 000. This video is part of the Think Twice campaign, created along with the migrant communities of Tapachula and Tijuana, Mexico to informe migrants about their labour rights. Learn more at https://somoscolmena.info/es/piensalo2veces.
How to fight lies, tricks, and chaos
This article provides a handy guide to analyze the information you run into on social media. Learn how to spot misinformation and stop the spread of it.
Fake news. It's complicated.
This article by Claire Wardle helps breakdown misinformation and desinformation, by outlining seven different types of the phenomenon and the ways to spot them.
What does it mean to be a man?
A group of migrant men discuss what is expected from them because they are men. Discover the reflections they bring to the table, to brake the stigmas they have been carrying. This video was created as part of the campaign A thousand ways to be a man, created by the Response for Venezuelans platform. Visit athousandwaystobeaman.org for more information.