RCM analyzes the work of employment counselors in the integration of migrants

On October 29, more than 50 people from the member countries of the Regional Conference on Migration (RCM) concluded a training and awareness-raising process for employment counselors. The course sought to provide context on labour migration in the region, inform about the profiles of migrants and improve practices for their inclusion in the labour market.
"Migrant workers play a key role in the development of their countries of origin," explained Alexandra Bonnie, Coordinator of IOM's Western Hemisphere Program. "However, they are often unable to play this role in destination countries because they do not have the necessary tools to do so and because they face situations of vulnerability that can determine their capacity to act for the development of their host communities."
Employment counselors are referents on where and how to look for a job, on what soft skills are needed to improve employability, resumé development and preparing for interviews, as well as providing information on assessment tools and selection criteria. In addition, they formulate recommendations for acquiring and developing skills, retaining employment and achieving constant occupational improvement.
Because of this role, it is essential that they are sensitized so that employment counselors understand all the particularities faced by the migrant population.
"The program seeks to strengthen their capacities to identify occupational profiles under a human rights, gender and inclusion perspective," explained MSc. Rocio Gonzalez, who gave the opening remarks on behalf of the pro tempore presidency of the RCM. "The whole process will be done with emphasis on dignified work, ethical recruitment and corporate responsibility."
The course consisted of two virtual modules developed on the IOM E-Campus platform and three synchronic sessions that prioritized collective work. The working groups focused on the areas of opportunity available, including aspects such as the need to systematize information on existing agreements, provide psychosocial care as part of employment counseling and design temporary work programs for migrants in transit.
This series of trainings is part of IOM's Western Hemisphere Program, financed by the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration.